Overview of the Personal Branding Concept
Personal branding is about establishing a preferred impression or image about your person, brand, and business in the minds of others. It accelerates your rise and that of your business tremendously.
Personal branding is the practice of marketing your career and personality to the general public as a brand. While self-improvement involves working on yourself, personal branding involves working on others to make them change their views and opinions about you or your brand.
The proponents of this concept are of the opinion that personal branding, rather than self-improvement, is the ingredient for success; it involves repackaging of your image and business in a manner acceptable to the general public. This concept has gained popularity over the years; it was first discussed in 1997 by one Tom Peters, an American writer on business management practices.
How to get started
Check below for tips on how to show your brand.
• What are you good at? The first step towards personal branding or self-repackaging, if you like, involves figuring out your areas of strength. Next, commit yourself to scaling new heights in that area, which will set you on the path towards becoming a thought leader in it.
• Start dishing out values in your chosen niche to the general public. Social media platform remains the best vehicle to convey your ideas and self-repackaged image to the general public.
• Get a headshot. While a headshot alone is not personal branding, it can contribute a ton to the process. Your social media profile needs a close-up image of you to enable your followers to see, at first glance, this enigma they are dealing with. You will need the service of a professional photographer here. Headshots are contributory, but not sufficient; you can further drive your self-image home via a photo-shoot in the form of a full or half-length picture.
• Collaboration is essential on your path towards selling your preferred image to the general public. Team up with thought leaders in that niche, and this will accelerate your rate of recognition and acceptance by the general public in the exact manner you want them to perceive you. Along the line, your social media following will increase tremendously.
• Get yourself a website and build a mailing list. It is time to drive the point further home. Via your email list, you can dish out focused messages to solidify public acceptance of your preferred personality. You can equally direct them to your website to complete the public conversion process. Never forget to add your pictures to your website banner and contact form. Go a step further; add your pictures to pop up banners on your website to compel your visitors to take the necessary action. The picture can be in the form of a headshot, a half-length or full-length picture. Appending your digital signature to your emails is good, but adding your picture as part of the signature is better.
• Launch your product. You have built an image in their minds and equally won their hearts and trusts over to your side for the divide. It is time to cash in on the progress by launching your product. The public has come to associate your name with that niche; hence, getting them to buy the product will never be a problem; they have come to trust your opinion and judgment on the subject matter. Product advertisement should not be limited to the internet; you can employ the print media also. However, never forget to add your picture to the print media messages.
Why you need personal branding
• It gives you the opportunity to be yourself.
• No better way to achieve self-confidence than this
• It is a great means of building credibility for your person and brand
• It gives you an opportunity to showcase your area of specialty
• Do you want to leave an indelible mark in the sand of time? Personal branding is the way to go.
As hinted earlier, a headshot contributes immensely to the personal branding process, same for a professional photo-shoot. Do you reside in Wigan and need a headshot or photo-shoot that commands respect and makes your social media followers to perceive you as an authority in your niche? Then, link up with a Wigan photographer today.
Do you prefer to take the picture in a studio or your office with your work environment showing in the background? Even if what you need is a perfect picture to add to your dating profile, the Wigan professional photographer can help you with these and more.